The Start of Some Space New


Oh, it has been full and busy days around here. The forms were laid, the concrete mixed and poured, and the bolts set over the course of nearly a full week.



That was all during a warm spell here, which was a blessing to have while working with concrete.

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Right now we’re carrying in armloads of firewood, bundling up in layers and cute little people hats, and coming in to warm up next to the wood stove. A cold front is upon us.


But the work continues as it can. We are very grateful for the concern and prayers in response to Stewart’s health, particularly after this post. He is doing better, working on this new space we’re constructing, all while still trying to take care of himself (and us!). That week was a bad one, to be sure, but thankfully there has been definite improvement since then.


And with a bit of help, the footers are poured and the lumber is beginning to trickle in.


And the swinging continues as these boys take breaks from the hauling of firewood and the chores for Mama.


We aren’t exactly sure what will become of this new space, but it will be welcome… especially with this going on just outside the windows.

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  1. Wonderful! New construction can be tedious, but so worth it! What a blessing. Before reading your new post, I was wondering if you were getting some of that weather I’ve been hearing about. We’re supposed to get something here in NY…we’ll have to see what it amounts to. My littles are all grown, but I do remember them helping their Dad do all the things that needed doing around here. A sweet reminder of those days.

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