What Real Food Bloggers Really Eat: Kara of Taste is Trump

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Today’s real food journal is brought to us by Kara of Taste is Trump. On her blog she poses the question "what good is a healthy dish if nobody eats it?" Great point!

Kara says of her dietary restrictions:

For religious reasons I abstain from coffee, tea and alcohol.  Eat meat sparingly.  Fruits and vegetables in season and grains as the staff of life.


Breakfast: polenta made with organic raw milk and pure maple syrup, topped with strawberries, bannanas, sliced almonds, cinnamon and raw honey.

Lunch: leftovers from a restaurant…brown rice pasta with chunky marinara, lightly cooked zucchini, mushrooms, and cheese with a bread-stick.

Snack: carrots and red pepper hummus.  

Dinner: tuna melt made with carrots, celery and onions, on a slice of whole wheat sourdough bread, topped with swiss cheese and a large side of sweet potato frie

Dessert: Fresh baked sprouted spelt flour chocolate chip cookie with a cup of raw milk.


Breakfast: soaked oatmeal with coconut oil, topped with sliced bananas, cinnamon, raw honey and whipped cream with a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice.

Lunch: taco salad made with beans, rice, tomatoes, avocado, green onions, cheese, tortilla chips and homemade cilantro ranch dressing.  An apple on the side. A square of Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate a couple hours later (couldn’t call that a "snack").

Dinner: fresh baked crusty bread dipped in pesto.  Sautéed beet greens with butternut squash gnochi and sliced mango.

About Kara:

My name is Kara Bagley, I am a mother of three young boys in Arizona who loves to cook from real ingredients.  I am originally from Eastern Iowa and grew up eating all the pork, beef and corn the area had to offer.  Without major health problems, I have changed my eating habits drastically in the past decade as my testimony for the relevance of it has grown.  Now I seek after the best food through gardening, making friends with local farmers and farmer’s markets. I teach cook cooking classes in my area to share my passion for good food.


Thank you, Kara, for sharing your food journal.

How do you do real food? If you are interested in sharing your Real Food Journal please contact me. I’d be glad to hear from you.

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  1. it would be great if i could eat like this the healthy way, its gonna take some time but I think I can manage it.

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