
The 2018 Sweet Potato Harvest

Digging up root vegetables is probably one of the most exciting homestead tasks. The children absolutely love it, and so do we, especially since we get to watch their reactions upon digging. This year the sweet potatoes somehow grew, despite the drought and death of everything else in the garden come July. I am sure…

Summer Squash in October

Read all about our homesteading story and the projects that helped us out along the way in our new book, The Doable Off-Grid Homestead. If you’ve read it, you can now leave a review. If you’ve followed along with this year’s garden posts, you know that pretty much everything from the summer garden, except the sweet potatoes,…

When Everything Grows

In the two months since Hannah was born the garden is now coming up with little effort. The pigs and meat birds are growing plump on grain and milk and scraps. Mostly, though, I notice that the baby that is my first born is now twelve and looking nearly like a full grown man. I…

Planting Sweet Potatoes

The potato harvest was kind of a rushed deal. The heat came on rather suddenly this year and has only backed down into the 90s for a few days at a time so we had to get the spuds out fast before they rotted. Besides the many meals of homegrown chicken, salad, and potatoes we…