Family & Home

Where Things Slow Down

Maybe it’s the new baby in the house… or perhaps the entire month of February in which our whole family was sick. Or, maybe we could chock it up to two full and lovely weeks of family visiting… and the car accident that kept them here a bit longer. (They were spared injury but the…

Just Mama and Daddy

Though I often wake early, it is rarely to the idyllic barn chores one might associate with the homestead life. When I wake is determined entirely by babes, as is much of my life these days. Mothering newborns is a surrendering of any and all preconceived notions of how my time ought to be spent….

Quite the Opposite

Quite the Opposite

The red dirt road was cool under my bare feet and it felt good on that warm January day. I walked as I usually walk these days – arms filled with a fifth baby we call Joshua, mind still in awe of all we’ve been given. I could hear the iron T-post pounder as I…