Odds & Ends

This Week In the Garden

You guys, I no longer have a laundry pile; it is now a laundry wall. It is probably six feet tall which means I can barely reach the top myself. But I’m okay with that. We are now at the point in the rain cycle where doing laundry in town seems imminent. Pond water, however,…

The Fence of Freedom

Life on the land has many spiritual lessons in the day-to-day work. Several months ago my eyes were opened to some things while I was fencing. It wasn’t a new or revolutionary thought. It was simply a realization of something that was staring me in the face.  I was working on the last little segment…

On the Backs of Raindrops

It came late last week, that sweet sound of raindrops on a tin roof. It was a slow, scattered rain that fell on bare, dry soil and so was all the sweeter for its gentle return. The tanks behind the house hold a bit more water, I don’t over-analyze every sink full of dishwater, and…