Spiritual Food

Not my, but Thy will be done

Here is a snippet worth considering from The Christian’s Reasonable Service by Wilhelmus à Brakel: Let us first consider the will of God’s decree. As God is sovereign Lord over all His creatures, His will is therefore also sovereign over all that happens to His creatures and extends to what they do and refrain from…

The Marks of True Reformation

In remembrance of the recent 500th year anniversary of Martin Luther posting his protest, this is an excellent sermon from 2007 on the marks of true reformation: [mp3j track=”http://www.pccmonroe.org/uploads/4/6/4/7/46470241/2007.10.21_the_marks_of_true_reformation_-_pastor_ralph_ovadal.mp3″ title=”The Marks of True Reformation – Ralph Ovadal”] And in case you’ve never considered it before, the historicist interpretation of Bible prophecy has a lot to…