Askinosie Chocolate Review & A Giveaway!


**I have closed comments, a winner has been chosen.**

When I wrote about Askinose chocolate I never in my wildest dreams expected them to see that post, let alone send me free chocolate. But they did. And boy am I glad. Not only was I able to experience some really delicious chocolate unlike any I have ever tasted before, but I am now able to share it with you.

The lovely people at Askinosie generously sent me a lovely note along with the Del Tambo Nibble Bar and the Soconusco Dark Milk Chocolate Bar. I was really looking forward to trying both of them. I was so excited when they came that I thought I would break each chocolate bar in half, try both, give a review of both and then send off half of each bar to whoever won this giveaway. Then my husband was kind enough to talk me down from my chocolate-enduced stupor and ask “Would you eat an opened chocolate bar sent to you by a total stranger?” My answer: “Maybe…” Then I realized your answer might be “No.” So we only sampled the nibble bar and you, my friends, are eligible to win the dark milk chocolate bar with fleur de sel. But please, tell us how it was when you are done. I love that combination of sweet and salty.

Before I tell you about the giveaway let me tell you how wonderful this chocolate is.

Review of the Askinosie Del Tambo Nibble Bar

I’m not even sure where to begin, except to say that this chocolate is really good. Even though I grew up with a taste for chocolate bars that actually taste more like sugar (your standard candy bar), I now only prefer very dark chocolate. The Del Tambo bar is labeled as having 70% cocoa beans. I recently purchased a few bars of 88% fair trade chocolate bars. Somehow the 70% Askinosie chocolate has more chocolate flavor than the 88% chocolate bar purchased at the health food store. I believe part of the reason is because it is such a pure chocolate, with no other ingredients but cocoa butter (which they make themselves) and pure cane sugar. In small amounts, I even consider this chocolate a health food. Just take a look at their nutrition facts.

I’m going to be up front and say that I won’t be purchasing a ton of chocolate bars for our every day enjoyment. It is far more expensive than many of the bars that you will find in the grocery store. That is for a good reason, though. You see, unlike many of the large producers of candy bars, Askinosie actually meets the farmers that produce their goods. They also pay them fairly for their products, going beyond the fair trade standards.

We are so used to cheap food in this country that we do not understand what it takes to produce real food. Food like chocolate that comes from so far away should be a treat, not an everyday indulgence. Like grass fed meat, local and organic produce and real milk – you get what you pay for. This chocolate was so rich and delicious that I was only able to eat 2-3 small squares per day. With both my husband and myself taking nibbles here and there every day, a 3 oz. bar lasted us approximately five days. While I won’t be buying bars of this for everday snacks, I do believe I will purchase their products as gifts for other chocolate lovers and for an occasional treat for our family. I can also know that I won’t be supporting unfair and unjust farming practices when I buy Askinosie chocolate.

How to Enter the Giveaway


I am giving away one 3 oz. bar of Askinosie dark milk chocolate with fleur de sel. This bar contains 52% cocoa, organic cane juice, goat’s milk powder (instead of cow’s), and a touch of fleur de sel.

Here’s how to enter:

  • For one entry into the giveaway simply leave a comment on this post. Be sure I have your email so that I can contact you!
  • For a second entry you can blog about this giveaway and leave a link to your blog post in the comments.

This giveaway will run until Monday, January 12th, when I will randomly select a winner.

I can’t wait for one of you to try this wonderful chocolate!

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  1. Always looking for an opportunity to sample new chocolate! I enjoy your blog and am glad I happened upon it! Happy New Year!

  2. I love fair chocolate. I usually eat Divine dark chocolate, which is also fair trade & farmer cooperative supporting. Expensive, yes. But eaten in small doses and with conscious-clean pleasure, as all treats should be enjoyed. I think I need to blog about this so I increase my chances at this. If I do I’ll be back to leave a link.

  3. I don’t eat that much chocolate and never indulge eating expensive chocolate but I would like to appreciate some really good chocolate. Thanks for the chance to win. I do enjoy reading your blog and your wonderful recipes.

  4. Oh, I’d love the opportunity to win this! I buy the occasional bar of Endangered Species or Green & Black but have never tried this kind. Also, with a cow’s milk allergy it sounds like it might be safer for me. Thanks for having this giveaway!

  5. mmm, I can’t pass up chocolate! I checked out the site the first time you posted about it and was interested. (That was actually one of the first posts I read, as I just found your blog recently.)

  6. I’m so excited to be introduced to a chocolate without additives or soy sludge! I blogged it (see above). I hope you get some good traffic on this post.

  7. Hi! I’ve just been introduced to healthy living and eating through all these wonderful blogs. I found your site (just today!) through a link from another blog that I ready (Nourished Kitchen), and I will certainly add yours to my reader now! Since I started with the new eating habits, chocolate and desserts has been one of the hardest things, but I now only like dark chocolate, so I’m excited about these bars! Thanks!!

  8. Found you by way of The Nourished Kitchen–love your blog! And boy would I also love to try out that chocolate. . . !! 🙂

  9. I’ve only recently found your web site, and I’m so grateful for another great source for good information and practical input as I find new ways to provide well for my family. I’m finding more and more that it’s true what you said: we get what we pay for. I’m having to re-think my grocery shopping and food decisions, and it’s not always easy. But so worth it, when I consider the benefits!

    We just bought some dark chocolate at Trader Joe’s, and now I want to research where it came from and what’s in it. I love it (and it’s a treat for me, because we don’t have Trader Joe’s around here), but it’ll be interesting to see how it compares nutritionally with Askinosie.

    Thanks for the offer and for the information!

  10. Oooh, sounds lovely. Here’s my first entry, and I’ll be back with my blog address. 🙂 Vive le chocolat!

  11. I bought some of the bars for my hubby for Christmas after seeing you talk about it here. He is the kind of guy that can have a bite of chocolate every few days. This stuff is perfect for him! I love that it’s single origin too. I think that’s why it has such a distinctive rich taste.

    I’d love to win another bar. I blogged about your giveaway at

  12. I was surprised to see that gourmet chocolate is being made in Springfield MO! Count me in on the giveaway.

  13. Oh wow, chocolate and being pregnant right now just goes hand in hand…haha…Thanks for a great giveaway 🙂

  14. That sounds so insanely awesome! I hope I win.. I’m always out for new chocolate to try out!

  15. i’m always up for GOOD chocolate!
    oh, and i just found your blog, but hope to be back often

  16. what a surprise to find Askinosie chocolate here! we spent two years in Springfield MO and have toured their facility. not only is the chocolate out of this world, Shawn, his family and employees are wonderful people. we even had the privelege of being at tje open house the night they unveiled their first batch of white chocolate. our fav? the chocolate with the “nibs”, which are roasted cocoa beans. they are as healthy as veggies, but yummier!

  17. I’ve recently become a big fan of dark chocolate also – I’d love to win a yummy new brand to try!

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