Take a Peek Inside and win a Copy of Simple Food {for winter}

***This giveaway is now closed***

First of all, a big thank you to all of you for your warm comments and support of Simple Food {for winter}.

With the New Year ever so present I’ve been preparing myself for the super commercial, resolution-based health craziness. I am pretty cynical about the whole thing (the quick-fixness of it all, not the working towards goals part). So I wrote an article over at Simple Bites this week about common sense seasonal eating.

In that article I also share one of the recipes from Simple Food {for winter}, Winter Vegetable Soup with Rosemary. This is one of my favorite recipes from the book for a few reasons. For one, every ingredient (except salt and rosemary) came right from my garden and that just makes me happy. Secondly, this soup makes me feel good when I’ve eaten too many acidifying foods and I need a bit of balance. So head on over if you’d like to see the recipe.

2010 has been a blessed year, both "in real life" and here at Nourishing Days. I have more to say about 2010, but for now I’d like to just say thank you for sharing this space with me.

In that spirit of thanks I’d like to give away 3 copies of the Simple Food {for winter} ebook to one of you lovely readers. Just leave a comment answering the question "What moment in 2010 will you remember most?" I’ll choose three winners from the comments next week.

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  1. I think it would be all the little moments watching my kids grow. Maybe the addition of 2 nieces to our family.


  2. Oh, that’s a great question! I would have to say the moment I will remember most is seeing my children get baptized on Valentines day. We moved from my hometown where I was born & raised for 38 years to find a good church. This was the culmination of a very long and bumpy journey.

    We were not able to buy a home with land like we wanted (the economy did not affect where we are so much) and I eat pretty much grain and sugar free. So need to learn how to make the most of our little yard to help us eat right. I I also need to learn how to save money with food preservation. Your ebook sounds like it would be great for that.

  3. A friend I hadn’t seen in 16 years found me on FB and then drove 4 hrs. with her 4 kids to visit. It was wonderful!

  4. My favorite moments of 2010 were when my husband and I were confirmed and accepted into the Catholic church and when my daughter was baptized. They happened in February.

  5. The moment of 2010 I will remember most is when my husband FINALLY got an offer (of employment) letter after having been unemployed for 2 years. What a moment!

    You have been such an inspiration to me in 2010, and have definitely influenced some of the ways we’ll be eating & growing in 2011. Thanks for everything you do, Shannon! Happy New Year!

  6. I’d have to say my favorite time of 2010 was when my husband and twin girls joined my in-laws for a four van-caravan across the country to visit more in-laws for a week long vacation. We caravaned from Texas to Wisconsin, using walkie-talkies and stopping together for lunch at picnic spots the whole way!

  7. When I made the decision to leave a job that was killing me, my health, my spirit, my desire to live a happy life once home for the day. NO job was waiting, but I knew I had to leave, devil beware of what may be! I took some time to get the real me back, and in 3 1/2 months landed a job that will see me to retirement.

  8. My birthday. Not only did my husband forget about it, but I was informed that he lost his job. This was not a good year for my family.

  9. Traveling to Nigeria to meet my husband’s family for the first time. It was amazing. I don’t even have words to describe it properly!

  10. Oh man, it’s so hard to do….IT was the year my health started turning around for the better. I’m so thankful for that! It was another good year of homeschooling and I’m also very thankful for that. IT’s so hard to pinpoint one thing because we are truly so blessed.

  11. the elation at hearing that my Dad did NOT have cancer after being tested for cancer cells 🙂

  12. the year just flew by to me – a moment I am proud of is “graduating” from yoga training. It was a big commitment and sometimes challenging in many ways but I didn’t quit. I am proud of that accomplishment.

  13. The moment I decided to move across the country (after 25+ years), to be closer to my family. It was the culmination of a lot of thought and prayer (and I suspect that the move itself will be one of the biggies of 2011!)

  14. having my sister & her kids join us in the fun of homeschooling…my new horse…my daughter getting really good at riding her horse….my baby turning a year…..my older daughter breaking her ankle…..my boys & shooting their bucks! HappY nEw YeaR!

  15. my oldest daughter (who is home on break from college) has always resisted healthy home-cooked meals to a degree my younger children did not. she told me she finally understood why her parents “constantly nagged” her about food. i am so proud of her.

  16. I think the moment I will remember most of 2010 is when I came home from a long shift at work, 3 weeks, and rene didn’t say a word when I walked through the door he just hugged me.

    I think about it all the time.

  17. I can’t think of any specific event but overall it was a good year and we have alot to be thankful for.
    Oh, I did think of my father-in-law having a heart attack and coming through it okay. That is something we are very thankful for.

  18. There were so many wonderful moments this year, but one that stands out was stepping onto the ferry boat with my family, our dogs, and our luggage as we moved to our new island home. Even the dogs were full of excitement & anticipation! The islanders have welcomed us with open arms, the kids are enjoying new friends & a healthier lifestyle focused on outdoor activities (and no more TV!), and I’m looking forward to having a garden & possibly a few animals (chickens? ducks? goats?). It was the best move we ever made!

  19. I will most remember being surrounded by family and friends for the surprise 40th birthday party which my husband secretly planned. We are traditionally not big birthday observers, keeping the celebration small and quiet. So, the shock of walking in to a room beautifully decorated brimming with all the people I love was overwhelming and is something I will treasure in my heart!

  20. We actually had 2 amazing moments this year. My 25 year old daughter-by-marriage (translate: step) married a lovely godly man in a Christ-centered ceremony. Then we had the joy of doing it all over again 6 months later when my 28 year old DBM also married a wonderful Christian young man in an equally Christ-centered wedding. My husband and I are in awe of God’s goodness to us, especially this year. Happy New Year to you as well!

  21. Seeing my toddler fall 8 feet head-first onto tile and concrete steps, being in the hospital all day, getting his head x-rayed, and then him waking up from a nap and being 100% perfectly fine. God was truly watching over him!

  22. We went to a party with all 14 of the men and women who lived on my block in college (where I met my husband), saw all their spouses and heard the first neighborhood baby announcement!

  23. Hmmmm….so many little moments….each baby I had the privilege of watching being born….each mother I had the privilege of watching emerge….a miscarriage the forced our family to slow down and re-evaluate the holiday insanity

  24. Having my 25 year old step daughter go on vacation with us. She got to spend a week with her “new” grandparents. We have been married for 3 years and she is my only child.

  25. the early morning of august 7, 2010 … 2 lines on the pregnancy test!! after a devastating miscarriage in 2009, the news was/is overwhelming. we are thanking GOD for this growing miracle, due april 2011. =)

  26. Good question and I see so many positive responses. Mine is positive too – I realized I had been neglecting myself for a new job and position – I have been virtually sick with pneumonia and sinus infections these past 3 months and tired. I had put the garden aside and myself as well. SO for me this was the best thing this year – to realize I have to care for myself or nothing else will matter or happen because I will be slowed down. I do what I can with what I’ve got and I loved earting out of my garden and tending it – now I want to get ti back and ready but am working to rebuild health – simple food is the key – healthy, glorious and REAL food – SImple is the best I think and the most comforting. Thanks for asking – it has changed my outlook for the next year – I plan on making my family and my own body/health the priority but not a quick fix – I plan on being around a LONG TIME!

  27. Watching my son grow over the year has been the most exciting thing in my life. (Aside from seeing him for the first time!) I can’t choose just one moment! It’s been an all around exciting year.

  28. My 17 year old daughter won our local singing talent contest. It’s like a local American Idol that went on for 10 weeks with 24 contestants. She won $2500 which helped her go to college. It was a really proud moment for my husband and I.

  29. I love reading everyone’s memorable moments! My own most memorable moment is when I made the conscious decision to eliminate gluten from my life. It was a difficult thing for me to deal with, but all signs were pointing toward intolerance. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

  30. It’s been an event-full year, with improving health (physical and emotional) for my whole family at the top, thanks to others who blog ! By far the most exciting news is that we are going to be grandparents!! My son and daughter-in-law surprised us on Thanksgiving with the news- how appropriate…..

  31. For me it was a time of prayer with my husband while I was sick the weekend after Thanksgiving. We found out later, after I was in the hospital, that it was a life-threatening illness, but in that time of prayer I felt such peace, such confidence in God, my husband, our marriage, and our future. I’ve been recovering with amazing speed and I know that 2011 is going to be a wonderful year!

  32. My most memorable moment of 2010 is returning home to Canada with my family after living in the US for the past 4 years while my husband finished his enlistment in the US Air Force. The first stop after crossing the border — Tim Hortons!

  33. My sisters and I found my Great-Grandma’s old dresses from the 50-60’s. We now wear them almost every day. 🙂

  34. This has been an incredible year. On September 21, 2010 I reached my goal weight of 160 pounds. Over the past three years I have lost 256 pounds and completely changed by life. Learning about nutrition (many thanks to you for this incredible blog!), putting that knowledge into action by eating well and getting active is what it’s all about. The things I learned and the things I achieved this year will be a part of my life for the rest of my life. For this and so many other reasons, 2010 was an incredibly blessed year!

  35. I will remember the snowstorm at the beginning of the month. Within 12 hours, green grass outside, to snowed in with 5 1/2’drifts! both doors snowed shut! That was quite memorable! Kids loved it, but……my skis were in the garage and we couldn’t get to them! LOL….everything worked out, but that is a moment (realizing we couldn;’t get outside), that I will remember for years!

    terrymac1a at hotmail dot com

  36. The most memorable moment in 2010 would be more than a moment, it would be the entire year. My husband has been unable to find a job in his trade for over a year and it’s not because he is lacking in expertise or has poor health but rather it’s because of the economy and lack of jobs in his field and because we live in a rustic mountain town which is also 100 miles or more from any large city. Even so, he has many applications awaiting a “verdict”.

    So…..what we have done is to try to live out of our pantry supplies, buying fresh produce & wild caught fish or grass fed beef when we can, and MOST of all putting our faith and trust in God that He will provide. We know He does bless us and in His timing we will have a job and be provided for because we believe. We are keeping the faith in 2010 way in up the Sierra Mountains!

  37. I would say the best thing to happen to us was a job opportunity in Strasburg, Pennsylvania at sight and sound theatre. We are still waiting on the word, which may not be until spring, but we are just excited about the opportunity. It would be a big move for us, but I look forward to being in the middle of Amish country where the whole foods are easier to find. We found some great places when we were there in December. This book would be of great help since we just started the gaps diet this week and need recipes. My husband is having a hard time with the introduction part of the diet, but I keep telling him it will get easier. I am glad his issues are not as bad as mine. 🙂 We look forward to seeing your book.

  38. joining a new church after a long search and our grown sons agreeing to be re-baptized to fulfill church membership requirements – humbling to see…..

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