
Four Ways to Make Coffee Without a Machine and Our Off-Grid Kitchen: Water

When we first arrived on our land we had three very basic needs that needed to be dealt with immediately:

  • Water
  • Waste management
  • Cooking

I remember those early days of our new homesteading adventure. It was October, the days were warm and the nights cool. Everything was so new and I think we were all in a bit of a state of shock after our cross country move to what looked like the set of a western movie.

We’re used to the cactus, cracked clay soil, and longhorns by now so I am talking about the nitty gritty of the most important part of…

Our Off-Grid Kitchen: Water

And in our off-grid kitchen, with our filtered rain water I make coffee a few times per week via one of these means…

Four Ways to Make Coffee Without a Machine

(There’s actually five if you check the comments. I forgot about iced coffee!)

Happy Monday, y’all!



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