A Monday Homestead List

It is Monday morning and the coffee is fresh at 7 a.m. which is the time of day when I make lists; school, chores to be done, recipes to be tested, and mostly homesteading projects I’d like to get to. It’s seven in the morning, after all, which makes me even more unrealistic than usual. That is just one reason why I always make lists knowing it is all Lord willing.

Seven p.m., on the other hand, looks like the coffee wore off hours ago, a tornado flung school books and dirty dishes and dirt to the four winds, and Mama’s apron is covered in all manner of dough, dirt, greasy toddler fingerprints, and baby spit up. Also, if it’s a good day with a dose of gardening, dirt under my fingernails.

But in the spirit of seven a.m. and hot coffee, here is my list for the week (several weeks, if you are more of a realist than me):

  • Clean up new calf pen area
  • Fence in new calf pen
  • Prepare new bed in Chicken Field
  • Finish preparing Kitchen Garden beds
  • Muck out barn
  • Clean out chicken coop
  • Put up safety fence
  • Plant! Dent corn in the meat bird run
  • Plant! Winter squash, green beans, and cucumbers
  • Plant! Green beans, tomatillos, and summer squash
  • Plant! Tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant
  • Water, water, water with our Direct-Drive Solar Water Pump

I know they say it’s spring here in Texas but when I look at the temperatures, it sure looks like high summer to me. So more planting!

Is it warming up where you are at? What’s on your homestead list?

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  1. Hopefully everything aligns and you are able to get a good chunk of your to do list finished! It’s been an unusually hot and dry spring up here in BC, Canada. We live on a little island so depend on the rain to fill our wells. We are loving the sunshine, but hoping this is not going to mean an extra dry summer ahead especially with trying to keep a garden and animals watered!

  2. We are also in BC unisually low rain fall and snowpack the last year. I may be reading more of your posts about gardening in Texas. It is staying above freezing most of the time here so I have begun planting our cold crops. Lettuce, spinach, peas. I am trying fava beans for the first time and will be starting to plant carrots next.

  3. It is spring here also. Today it is raining, but on my list, I have: plant strawberries, mulch blackberries and blueberries, pull weeds in the raised beds, mow, and clean out the chicken pen. I think my list will also extend into the week, but I’m happy to be outside after a long, rainy winter. Trying not to get overwhelmed at all that needs to get done. Remembering Prov. 14:23,” There is profit in all labor.” Doing something is better than doing nothing. Happy working ya’ll….

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