Odds & Ends



Lately :: a brief smattering of what’s been happening here on the homestead and our other content from around the web. Stewart spent some time working on the formatting of this new book, Pennsylvania. I’ve been reading it as I can now that it’s in its full, beautiful novel form and am almost done. As…



My laptop is sitting in a bucket in front of our cabin, catching the spring drizzle as it falls. I thought I’d be telling you that I’m more productive than ever, that the computer was pulling me away from everything important, that I’m a better wife and mother without the internet. As it turns out,…

Entitled To What?

Entitled To What?

The last few days I have been thinking about writing Part 3 to “The Blessing in the Thorns” series.  In my pondering of the various things I wanted to say a word eventually rattled around in my head, entitled.  In particular, with the current struggles of having a baby in the house, not having peace…