
Moving Dirt

I have often found it hard to wrap my head around the needs of a specific season unless we are in it. In the winter we think of firewood and water-proofing and row covers in the garden. In the summer we think if staying cool, of course, but there is one resource at the forefront…

Late June Postcards

Y’all, there are pears on our pear tree. They are small and five in number but they are real live pears. And we ended up butchering one of the wild hogs when he decided to make a run for it. So we only have this lady left but she seems to be living happily alongside…

Morning and Evening Chores

If there is one thing that is a constant around here it is that things are constantly changing. And so it was with our chore routine just recently. The boys weren’t feeling well last week, but even before that I knew I wanted to be more involved in the animal chores this summer. Their brief illness gave…