
Spring Postcards

It has pleased the Lord that we would have a gradual move from winter to summer this year. It is quintessentially spring and it has been such a gift. And rain! No one told me how much easier it is to garden when you don’t have to constantly water your seedlings! Y’all everything is growing and…

Spring Butter

Since we weaned Buttercup, Mabel’s most recent calf, we have been bringing in the milk pail plenty full, twice a day. Over the last couple of months we have watched the cream line become increasingly more yellow as the grass has started to come up more in the pasture. And now we may be approaching…

A Monday Homestead List

It is Monday morning and the coffee is fresh at 7 a.m. which is the time of day when I make lists; school, chores to be done, recipes to be tested, and mostly homesteading projects I’d like to get to. It’s seven in the morning, after all, which makes me even more unrealistic than usual….

So She Planted

Her fever broke early that morning and her head was only partly aching by breakfast. All six of her children except the baby were down with less severe symptoms, a pot of soup was brought by her sweet neighbor, and a new batch of Mabel’s butter was on the table so there was much to…