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Repurpose: food jars & old sheets


Have you ever thought about where things go when we throw them away? I didn’t. I always just enjoyed getting stuff out of my house and into the trash can. Then I could get something else, something better. When you stop and think about it, everything we throw away has to end up somewhere. If it is not biodegradable, then what?

I also don’t like to spend money. Well, I did, but I don’t so much anymore. I’d rather spend our money on paying off loans, saving for a no-mortgage home or feeding my family healthy foods.

Thus began my journey in repurposing.


re-pur-posed, re-pur-pos-ing, re-pur-pos-es

To use or convert for use in another format or product: repurposed the book as a compact disk.

Here are a couple of examples:

  • I didn’t want to use plastic food containers anymore so they are being converted to organizing bins.
  • With no changing table sheets I converted many of our large baby blankets to cover the changing table pad.

Now I want to share with you a couple of other ideas.

Using glass food storage containers in the bathroom.


A couple of years ago, I bought a large box of these old food storage containers at a garage sale for only $2. I had more than I could use, so I converted them to hold cotton balls and q-tips in our bathroom.

Turning old sheets into throw pillow covers.


Isn’t that a pretty sheet? I thought so. Which is why I was disappointed when the elastics wore out on the corners and it’s life as a fitted sheet came to an end. We need throw pillows that actually match our sage green sofa, instead of the eye sores that are there now.

If you are a sewing expert you may want to divert your eyes for this next part, it may be painful to watch.

I measured the pillows – 18″ square. I then made a 19″ square pattern out of card stock taped together.


I then cut two 19″ squares out of my sheet and have it pinned and waiting to be hand sewn. I have a sewing machine, but it is broken. Besides, I find hand sewing relaxing and much less intimidating. Yep, I am very, very new to sewing.

These two projects were free since I used what was on hand and I have avoided adding more of my junk to the dump. I have a couple of other repurposing projects in the works using more sheets that I will share when I can get to them. I will also show you pictures of the finished pillows when I sew them up.

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  1. Thanks for the shout back. FYI my wedding dress was my paternal grandfathers dress, around 55 years old. I made a few small adjustments like adding the rust colored material because it was too short. It was an honor to wear it and so memorable. I understand how nice it is to find like minded people when it comes to thinking different about the Godly things. Let me know if you every have any thoughts or concerns on your search for Ya (“hebrew for “I am”).

    In love

  2. my husband picked up glass canning jars at a garage sale. we use them as storage containers and also as glasses. we love them. friends/family think it is a little strange : )

    what would you suggest for kids lunches – I’m trying to get away from plastic but struggle with containers for lunch items. I don’t do bags (ziplocs) at all.

  3. Kelli – Thanks for sharing about your dress. Such a beautiful story, such a beautiful dress.

    Denise – I use quart canning jars for everything from drinking water to freezing milk to storing chicken stock. Love them!

    One ideas comes from Kimi:

    I don’t have any of these yet, but hope to eventually. I’m not sure what you pack for your children’s lunches, but you could use pint canning jars for things like veggies or leftovers. When I pack my husband’s lunch I simply wrap sandwiches or washed fruit in a cloth napkin. We are transitioning from plastic containers right now and are going to order a set of glass pyrex food storage containers. I searched for them on Amazon, if you’re interested.


  4. What a great post! We use mason jars and other glass jars for just about everything around here to. I’m still to chicken to put them in the freezer but use them for just about everything else. I love drinking wine out of a half pint jar .. hehe 🙂
    I’ve been working hard to reduce both my shopping (slow year month three here we come! No new stuff! 🙂 and my garbage. I have been repurposing sweatshirts and towels into dog toys.
    I make myself a lunch every day and use this lunchbox: http://www.laptoplunches.com/ It is plastic, but I don’t ever reheat in it (I still use plastic for cold and frozen foods – trying to phase it out, but doing what I can with what I have for a while yet) and it is so great for a waste free lunch. I can fit enough food for an adult in the box plus the outer case and the rigid containers are great for leftovers. I would love one of those stainless tiffin tins you had a link to, also.

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