Where We’ve Been, A New Fermented Foods Resource, and a Free-Lance Roundup

I have at least a half a dozen drafted posts waiting to be published in this space. Almost every day this week I have tried to sit down and finish them or write up another that I am thinking of. It simply never gets finished, but there is so much to share with y’all.

There’s the wheat harvest that’s been going on, the new chicken coop, the new chicks(!), the new kitchen garden, the garlic harvest, the (possibly) big project coming up next week, beans nearly ready to harvest in the garden… I’m sure there’s more.

And then there’s some other free-lance work that I’ve been up to and haven’t had a chance to share with you. First, though, I wanted to let you know another reason things have slowed down in this space lately.

I’ve teamed up with Julie at Cultures For Health to provide a database of information for culturing and fermenting foods. She wants to provide you with information on all things sourdough, kefir, yogurt, fermented vegetables, cheese, kombucha and more. For recipes, how-tos, and FAQs on all of your favorite fermented foods you can now find me over at the Cultures For Health advice article collection.

Other things I’ve been writing about lately include:

  • How to Cook Dried Beans – If you’re still buying canned beans you may want to give this a shot and save a bit of cash. I’m looking forward to using this method for the dried beans we may be getting from our homegrown beans this year, Lord willing.
  • On Trying Not to Be a Consumer – This is a topic I am thinking about all of the time lately and something to consider.
  • Beyond Beans and Rice: How to Eat Well on a Budget – Not that there’s anything wrong with beans and rice, but there are other nourishing foods that are fairly inexpensive. Even more so if you’re growing your own!
  • How to Make Easy Cold-Brewed Iced Coffee – Now you don’t have to wonder how I’m staying afloat these days. A glass of this every morning sure helps.

There are so many times when I sit down to write something up and then realize I’ve already written about it. So I think next week I will rerun some of those articles and take a little extra time to snuggle my baby, water my kitchen garden, bake some bread, and share our homesteading days with some first-time visitors.

Happy weekend, friends.

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One Comment

  1. The cilantro going to seed is beautiful. I know that you will use the coriander for so many things, like pickling baby carrots with coriander seeds in them. And way too go with Cultures for Health, I love them, they have the greatest information, what a wonderful addition to have you on their team.
    By the way……..the little one……….she is absolutely adorable.
    Miss you

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