Author: Shannon

I am wife to Stewart, mama of six, homeschooler, messy cook, and avid fermenter. This is where I tell our story... of building a sustainable off-grid homestead... of raising this growing family of ours... of the beauty and the hard and the joy in all of it.
Spring Postcards

Spring Postcards

Today is the last day to take advantage of the free cookbook offer. If you’re looking for whole grain gluten-free baked goods free from gums, starches, rice flour, and dairy, get your free copy today as a bonus for purchasing my newly released book, Traditional Meals for the Frugal Family. This is truly one of…

Feed Your Family Real Food on a Budget: Traditional Foods for the Frugal Family Now Available

Feed Your Family Real Food on a Budget: Traditional Foods for the Frugal Family Now Available

Today a project that is very much a reflection of my every day life launches. Traditional Meals for the Frugal Family is something I have essentially been working on for over a decade, since I began feeding this family I’ve been gifted. But this past year has been dedicated to sorting it all out into…

FREE Bonus Cookbook Now Available for Those Ordering Traditional Meals for the Frugal Family

FREE Bonus Cookbook Now Available for Those Ordering Traditional Meals for the Frugal Family

It has taken me some time, but I am very happy to say that the mini cookbook I’ve been working on is now finished. This book of gluten-free, dairy-free, starch-free, gum-free, and rice-free recipes is near and dear to our family table and I look forward to sharing it with you all… and for FREE, for a short period of time.