REVIEW and GIVEAWAY: Herbal Nurturing, a family healing and learning guide

Ever since I became a mama I have wanted to have a basic knowledge of herbal treatments and preparations. When all around me the talk was of "vaccines, drugs, infectious disease, fevers, ibuprofin, infant drug overdose" I heard "fear, fear, fear."

I was fed up with a dependency on doctors who were in the back pocket of the pharmaceutical companies. The advice I was getting on caring for my baby’s health just did not seem logical, nor in line with God’s creation.

So here I am four years later, still learning the basics of which plants have which properties and how to prepare a simple balm or tincture. When I heard of Michele‘s new ebook, Herbal Nurturing: A Family Healing and Learning Guide, I knew I needed to read it and share it with you all.

I really wish I had this book four years ago, just look at this list of herbal remedies:

This book is a compilation of Michele’s own research. Written from one mama to the next, her emphasis is on treating the root of the problem, not just the symptoms. When she discussed preventative care like eating a nourishing real food diet I knew I was in the right place.

About the Recipes

Sample recipes include:

This book is simple, straightforward, and takes the fear out of home herbal preparations. The ingredients for her recipes can easily be found in your own garden or Mountain Rose Herbs. And each recipe comes with cautions, suggestions for use, and urgent care options.

So if you are like me, and want to bring your child’s health care back to the home, I highly recommend Herbal Nurturing as a resource I am sure I will be using again and again. Michele has also kindly offered to give away a copy of the ebook to two of you!

Herbal Nurturing from Frugal Granola

Enter to Win A Copy

In the spirit of Michele’s book, lets keep this giveaway super simple. Leave a comment on this post and I’ll pick two by random next week. This contest will close at midnight on Monday 10/11 and a winner will be announced on Tuesday. There will also be a generous discount available next week for y’all, so even if you don’t win stay tuned.

Full Disclosure: Herbal Nurturing is an affiliate of Nourishing Days and I was given a free copy of the ebook to review. The opinions stated above are entirely my own and I try to only recommend products that I believe could be of true value to you.

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  1. I use herbal remedies for my 2 year old, many of which I make myself, but I feel that my knowledge can be lacking and this would be super helpful! Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. I have always wanted to learn about natural remedies! Thanks for the opportunity to win this great resource!

  3. Sounds like something right up my alley. I love homemade remedies they are both frugal and better quality then you will find in the stores. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I would sure love such an excellent resource. And has anyone else noticed how expensive alternative health books are? Clearly they are not for any one living on a budget!

  5. I was so excited just reading about this book! I have searched through library books and herbal remedies and am often overwhelmed, find conflicting information, or expensive ingredients. To have a book that is written for a Mom taking care of her little ones is an amazing opportunity. Thank you for the information and the giveaway!

  6. Wow, I would love to win this! Herbal remedies are so appealing to me, yet completely overwhelming. This book would be fantastic to have as a resource!

  7. I would love to use more natural herbal remedies but am sooo ignorant. I’ve had good results with things I’ve tried so far and would like to transition into a petroleum-free zone and an all-natural zone as much as possible. My lyme-brain cannot keep all of this wonderful information filed and a book in my hand would be invaluable.

  8. I just got over shingles. What was truly amazing was that after researching what herbs were good for shingles, the most mentioned was St. John’s Wort. I remembered that I had made myself some St. John’s Wort oil a few years back and so I put my beautiful red oil on my shingles and I think it really helped! Please put my name in for the drawing!

  9. I would LOVE to get this book. It would be a wonderful resource to have on hand especially with my kids sensitive skin and allergies!

    Thank you.

  10. What a great giveaway! I would love to have this book and learn more about how to make herbal preparations.

  11. Oh, how wonderful! I have been looking for herbal and homeopathic books lately to expand my resource library. I have four littles, four and under, and this book would be so helpful to our family!

  12. Thanks for the opportunity to win such an interesting book. I am especially interested in the sinus/allergy herbal remedies plus what to do for skin problems too.

  13. Oh my goodness! This is awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you for the chance to win 🙂 (Oh, and I love your blog! Just stumbled onto it a month ago and am very impressed!)

  14. What a wonderful giveaway! This book sounds terrific! I have one book on herbal remedies, but it seems a bit daunting. I would love to find something that makes it more applicable to my life!

  15. This ebook looks great. I have read 10 essential herbs, and love it. This ebook looks very similar. Thanks for the review.

  16. I have been trying to read more about natural remedies. I have been moving to more natural products and have been wanting to try making some of my own products. This book seems like a great resource, especially the chapter on migraine relief as I have been suffering these for years.

  17. I have been looking for a book exactly like this with straight forward herbal recipes for my family. I look forward to reading it sometime!

  18. I’d love this! I’ve been interested in herbal remedies, but haven’t gotten around to actually making anything yet.

  19. This book sounds so good! In fighting for my childrens health as well as my own I have been searching and praying for natural ways of healing for my family.

  20. I have just been starting to look into natural remedies and such. Can be very overwhelming though!

  21. I love Michele’s blog and am just starting to learn about herbal healing. Thanks for this opportunity!

  22. I have been reading your blog for a couple of months now and I am constantly impressed! I have tried your oatmeal bake your orange coconut cake (for my 3yo daughters birthday and your lacto- fermented salsa (first lacto-fermented food I have ever tried and it is Awesome!!) They were all huge hits! Next I am going to try your orange cranberry sauce. We do as much organic as possible and absolutely no pharmaceuticals! I do a lot with suppliments and homeopathics but with the help of your site I have started doing more with nourishing foods and less suppliments. I have used several herbal remedies over since having my first daughter 3yrs ago but I never imagined being able to make my own. I would love a copy of the book, but either way I will continue following your site. Thanks for all the work you put into your blog and your food it’s been a great inspiration!!!

  23. I have a number of herbs growing in my garden, but I don’t know enough about them to use them or the plants that are “weeds.” My absolute favorite herb is echenesia; I always take it or drink it when I’m sick. I’d like to know more about using herbs with my children.

  24. I have always wanted to learn about natural remedies…Thanks for the opportunity to win this great resource!

  25. looks great, thanks for the chance to win! we use calendula ointment everywhere here, my mom used to use it for all kinds of stuff and we love it :). for burns i’ve replaced it with nano-silver creme, but it still figures heavily in our arsenal of remedies.

  26. I thought I had entered this already but I didn’t see my name anywhere. I’ll try again. This book looks so interesting and I am very interested in learning about herbal remedies.

  27. I feel like you that we need natural remdies and i think it is great that you have taken the time to put a resource like this together. It is so hard and time consuming to step outside the consumer society and live a bit more naturally. Thanks

  28. what a wonderful resource! i’m studying to become a holistic health counselor, and this seems like an absolute must for my reference book collection. hope i am lucky enough to win it here! 🙂

  29. I stop by your website when I get a chance…it is so encouraging to find a community of moms wanting to do what is best for their family. Thanks for the book recommendation! Kaye

  30. I’m expecting my 5th baby, and my first girl, in about 4.5 months. I’d love to learn more about gentle, natural remedies, for the men in my life, my new baby, and my pregnant/post-partum self. What a wonderful resource!

  31. I truly enjoy all of the posts at Nourishing Days. Thank you for taking the time to share!

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