The Pallet Chick Nursery

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We’ve had numerous chick hatchings here on the homestead since we first started keeping chickens 2.5 years ago. It seemed like every time there were complications of one sort or another.

Hens would get in the box with the broody hen and lay their eggs there, where we couldn’t get to them. We had snakes eat eggs. We lost new chicks to what we think might be a cat or other predator.

So, about a month ago, Stewart set out to remedy the situation by building a nursery of sorts. Broody hens and their eggs get moved in, other hens and critters are kept out. As usual, he had lots of helpers… and Annabelle is always around to boost morale.

We’ve had one hen already hatch out two chicks and another is set to hatch out sometime later this week, Lord willing. The chicken wire has successfully kept out any curious critters and it is right next to the cabin so that we can hear if anyone stages an attack.

A little time and thought, and very little money can sometimes make a big difference in this role of steward we play.

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  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your lovely family. So different from the world where I live – small city house in the UK. Thankyou, it brightens my morning when I see that you’ve posted.

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