Nectarine Blossoms and the Harbingers of Spring

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It snowed just before Joshua was born but I really don’t recall much of winter besides that. It seems we are sliding right into 70s and 80s and since Stewart declared he’s got the planting itch, I imagine the yearly fruit trees and berry bushes are not far behind.

The radishes are sprouting and this nectarine is in full bloom and the sweet smell of a baby is almost always nearby. With five Texas springs under our belts – and three babies since – these are the harbingers of spring.

Ready or not the days are longer and warmer, the gardens in need of planting, and those days of summer just around the bend.

Ready or not.

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  1. Oh how lovely those photos are. We are seeing signs of spring here in Denmark too, although it will still be a while before we get to see fruit trees flowering. I’m itching to get out and gather some fresh leaves for salads.

  2. Well, it feels like spring SOME days here, and then we’re back to winter again! My husband is well on his way to growing seedlings. I picked some wild greens from a neighbor’s hoop house. Green!

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