Fermentation as a Tool of Nourishment and Sustainability


So today is the day that Traditionally Fermented Foods is available to all. To mark the occasion, I just wanted to share why, when my publisher asked me what I wanted to write about, I chose food fermentation.


The thing about fermented foods that I would tell everyone, if I could, is that there isn’t just one thing about fermented foods that makes them miraculous. It is their health-giving properties, making vegetables and dairy full of probiotics and enzymes; grains and legumes easier on our systems. It is the ability to preserve all manner of foods while enhancing vitamins and retaining minerals. It is the ease with which these age-old practices turn a kitchen into a life-giving, sustainable food system. And what brings it all together is the absolute deliciousness that fermentation imbues into every meal of the day.


I really believe the practice of fermentation is a gift to the home cook and most especially the homesteader. Fermentation has been in my life for over a decade now and has taught me the importance of living food, how to use fermentation to preserve food without refrigeration, and how to turn homegrown, local foods into the most delicious part of every single meal and snack throughout the day.


Traditionally Fermented Foods is all that I know and love about this age-old practice. It is 85 delicious recipes but it is also a guide to harnessing the biology of this natural process to preserve the nutrients in vegetables, fruits, grains, and dairy while making them an absolute delight even to the pickiest eater. My hope is that it would inspire and inform your own pursuit of traditional foods, homegrown health, and sustainable food ways.

And, fifteen months after I began this work, it is now available for your own home kitchen.

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  1. I got an email last night saying that my preordered copy of Traditionally Fermented Foods was being shipped along with my copy of 100%Rye!
    I’m super excited.. I know I’ll be waiting for the mail each day until they arrive!

  2. So excited for you, Shannon! All the hard work, trial & error, and diligence has paid off. I am purchasing your book and look forward to getting the ferment going in my kitchen. =) Thank you!

  3. I received mine in the mail today and I can’t wait to dive in. It looks
    beautiful and very accessible. I have been making my own kombucha
    for a few months and have tried my hand at sauerkraut. I’m looking
    forward to expanding my fermented food knowledge.

    1. Christa – That is so exciting! I’m so glad you received your copy already – thanks for ordering! Let me know if there is anything I can help with as you get going.

  4. My copy of Traditionally Fermented Foods arrived today in the mail. I have already read the first chapter and am confident I’m going to love practicing what I’m reading. Great job, Shannon, and thank you for the time and effort you put into producing it.

    1. Kathryn – Thank you so much for your support and kind words! I hope the book helps you in your journey and let me know if I can help in any way.

  5. Shannon, I am thrilled that you wrote this book and am very much looking forward to the arrival of my copy. Your beliefs regarding fermentation greatly echo my own. I value your experiences, research, and opinions and look forward to learning more and trying your great-sounding recipes! You are an inspiration!

  6. These photos are GORGEOUS! And I love that I can crack open a jar of fermented pickles in February that I preserved back in July! So much fun!

  7. I couldn’t follow your blog all these years and not order your book!! Amazon prime will have it to me before the weekend!

  8. Just received my book yesterday in the mail. I’m so excited to get started. I’m very interested in the recipes on fermenting herbs, I never thought of doing that. Thank you for writing this book.

  9. I got my book yesterday. I cannot wait to try everything! It is well written and the photos are stunning.

  10. I’ve been reading through my cookbook like it’s a novel!! I appreciate how thoroughly you explain the process along with so many practical tips. Your cookbook will be essential as I work towards my goal of eating ferments everyday long-term. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and experience with us!!! Blessings!

  11. Hi Shannon, I write from France. I am a french revivalist of fermentation. I bought your book on Amazon, I received it a few days ago. And I wanted to tell you that it is great ! The recipes are original and I love your style ! I wish you all the best.

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